Színes Ötletek

a kézügyes blog

Különleges kerti járdák, stílusos lépőkövek

Már régóta terveztem a nagy kerti járdás bejegyzés megírását, most jött el az ideje. Ahogy a tavasz beköszöntött, elkezdtük a kert a csinosítását, az ültetést, a metszést, a palántázást, mikor mi volt aktuális. A gondozott kerthez persze a kisebb-nagyobb járdák is hozzátartoznak, amibe egy kitaposott csíktól a térkövezett utakig sok minden beletartozik, de én most valahol a kettő között keresgélnék. Egyedi, akár otthon is elkészíthető, különlegesebb darabokat gyűjtöttem össze. 

Ideas for Garden Paths | daisymaebelle - The one thing I miss from my homes in OH?  The gardens and flower beds!  Specially at my Landchester Road house...

Amazing DIY walkway ideas. Desperately needed because after 8 years we still don't have sidewalks! :)



Ha csak gyalogos közlekedésre szánjátok, és nem túl széles út is megteszi, akkor az építési költségeket saját munkával jelentősen csökkenteni tudjátok. Az interneten már tavaly is keringett több érdekes képsorozat kerti járólapok házilagos készítéséről, ez a leveles volt az egyik kedvencem:


A képen úgy tűnik, gyerekjáték az egész, de a valóságban azért jó pár dologra oda kell figyelni (tavaly ennek a leveles járólapnak az elkészítéséről már írtam, ITT nézhetitek meg). Ha csak néhány, egyedi darabra vágytok, azt hobbibetonból is ki lehet önteni, de nagyobb mennyiségű járólap öntésénél már érdemes megfontolni, hogy válogatott alapanyagból magatok keveritek a betont. Nagyobb igénybevételhez nem árt számolni a kopásállósággal, ehhez műkő őrleményt is kell a betonhoz keverni. A kiöntött lapokat ugyanúgy kell kezelni, mint bármely más betonfelületet, locsolni kell, csak 3-4 hét múlva lesznek kellően szilárdak a lerakáshoz. A lerakáskor ügyelni kell lapok megfelelő beágyazására is.

A nagyobb burkolatot adó térkövek beszerzése jelentős kiadás is lehet, ám ezeket megfelelő sablonok alkalmazásával magatok is elkészíthetitek. Szakáruházakból rendelhettek többféle öntősablont, illetve felületi fugázósablont is (mint ez is az alábbi képen):

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A különálló térkövek/járdalapok öntésére szolgáló sablonokat hazai gyártóktól (alig 600-1000 Ft/db) is megrendelhetitek, persze érdemes több darabot beszerezni, hogy haladjon a munka. 


Az egyedi térkövek és járólapok otthoni elkészítéséről bővebben is olvashattok az Ezermester oldalán, és érdemes is, mert rengeteg hasznos dolgot írnak, a keverési aránytól egészen a beton színezéséig.

És akkor most következzen az inspiráló képgaléria, tele ötletekkel!

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Love this! I want something like this rather than just a plain walkway

Would take a lot of stones, but I'd love this look on the side of our house (aka No Man's Land)

small lush cottage garden--now THIS is what my shaded corner of the yard needs to look like!

Might be able to make this on the cheap for the path.

River Rocks Mosaic Path. A lot of work, but an awesome way to improve a bland concrete pathway you can't take up.

Wonderful mix of material for garden path. Cobblestone sectioned between random pattern of bricks (reclaimed bricks offer a softer mellow tone of age along with irregular edges) and plantings of different types of thyme.  Bordered with bricks as well.

7 Classic DIY Garden Walkway Projects • Tutorials and Ideas! Including, from 'this old house', a great tutorial on how to lay a classic brick path.

We both like the pathway here. Brian likes the size of the stones and the amount of ground cover between each. Kaleigh likes the shape of the stones and that the path isn't too straight.

shady side of house plantings... hosta, astillbe, ferns, & more.... stone instead of grass- starting at driveway leading to back

How often do you notice the ground that you're walking on? Not often?… :: Hometalk

Used railroad ties ( or 4x4s ) and pea gravel--- id like to put this path thru my garden......

55 Inspiring Pathway Ideas For A Beautiful Home Garden

Secret Garden        _________                           ~garden pathway ~by pauline

Freddy Moran-style house at the end of a strip-pieced path, with fussy-cut flowers to fill in the background

Cool walkway...Scrap Wood Garden Pathway from Farmhouse38

Garden Pathways | 43 Awesome Garden Stone Paths | DigsDigs

Garden path of rocks and the stepping stone made from a leaf mold.

Concrete Garden Path

Holy crap - I'm not sure I've wanted anything more for my home than this.

pathways design ideas for home and garden, decks, gardening, outdoor living

This garden design is stunning and simple. The gorgeous green seating area, the beautiful stone section and the perfectly laid out path - we love it!

Hardscape idea, no link, just the pic, but I live this idea for drainage areas.

pretty & creative... turns a walkway into a conversation piece.

A Whole Bunch Of Beautiful & Enchanting Garden Paths - Style Estate - #garden #path

Stone border. Love the winding grass pathway. Not too much to mow. Soft meandering path by which to enjoy the garden.

Love this path from patio through trees. Could make this work in my backyard.

Garden Paths :: DaisyMaeBelle - Melissas clipboard on Hometalk :: Hometalk

5 Inspiring Ways to Create a Cottage Style Garden ~ Humpdays with Houzz - Town & Country Living

This path, meandering through the pine trees and accentuated by flowers that look like they could grow there naturally is perfect for a stroll in the afternoon.

DIY stepping stone flowers | 10 Unique and Creative DIY Garden Path Ideas « DIY Cozy Home

xx..tracy porter..poetic wanderlust...-pea gravel- path to a secret garden. with river rock and gravel

Pathways Design Ideas for Home and Garden#/180949/pathways-design-ideas-for-home-and-garden?&_suid=1364140647147012344344822158143

DIY pathway leaf pavers... -- Gotta love that reddish color too, as opposed to gray concrete.

rhubarb.jpg Photo:  This Photo was uploaded by 1983moonflower11. Find other rhubarb.jpg pictures and photos or upload your own with Photobucket free imag...

A Peaceful Pathway-I would LOVE to walk this path daily

Love these! Stone Flowers Garden Art. You can even do mosaics on them. Imagine with all the flowers or ground cover around them#Repin By:Pinterest++ for iPad#

Botanical images in stone evoke fertility at one entrance to the Grotto at Waterworks Gardens.

Japanese Garden, Kyoto

I love the light in this photo.  It shows the simplicity of the pathway . . . perfect combination of growth/stone.

Create lovely patterns in your #garden at night with light like this using Led walkway lighting

25 Ideas for Gardens Designs Love this!

pinner wrote: This is fun!  Use old & new bricks, salvaged tiles, broken dishes & other eclectic finds to build a walk that's also a memory path.  Would be cute going out to the garden shed.

having a walkway to your door is great curb appeal. the lights add a nice touch at night. flowers along the pathway is also a great way to attract the eye to the pathway.

35 Creative Backyard Designs Adding Interest to Landscaping Ideas

Adorable path and sitting area. Although, that Japanese maple is planted way too close to the fence. Better to get a very dwarf variety and grow it in a large pot.

Pathways Design Ideas for Home and Garden#/180949/pathways-design-ideas-for-home-and-garden?&_suid=1364140647147012344344822158143

yard decorations recycling tree stumps and backyard landscaping ideas

like the look of the two colors in the path as well as the planting inside the circle. Would look nice from the upper deck.

Four Seasons Garden.. Pathway through the spring middle garden.. This must make you so happy! It's spectacular!!

Mark Kretzmeier (MetaMosaics, Portland Oregon)  |  Pebble Mosaic Garden Pathway Overview.

Stone pathway..... This would look really awesome in the backyard going down towards the ravine.  Maybe a little sitting area to relax and to get a little closer to nature.  We could sit down there in addition to the front porch or the deck.

Pebble Mosaic walkway in progress - also has bed borders and garden glass flowers from plates in the photo stream.

Love the combination here ... the gorgeous orange in the mosaic picked up by the flowers.

Flagstone path, lined with brick and filled in with river gravel.

A walking path covered by trees and framed with flowers is a lovely thing.

Scapes Unlimited installed the Baxters’ garden, laid the flagstone and placed the dry creek bed. (Photo courtesy of Brad Stangeland)

looks like they made smaller stepping stones with the designs and then placed them together and filled it in Love It!

Garden Design Ideas Love the whimsical paths created with stones or pieces of wood - takes you that fantasy forestland you only dream about❤️

Fun & colorful!

I tend to put my heart and soul into this pathway seems appropriate! Lovely design idea.

Would love for my back yard to look like this

Via Karen's Cottage Garden Landscaping Ideas ~ Container Garden ideas

walkway along the side of the house. I WANT SOMETHING LIKE THIS ON THE SIDE OF MY HOUSE

Decorative brick path across lawn @ DIY Home Cuteness

Mark Kretzmeier (MetaMosaics, Portland Oregon)  |  Pebble Mosaic Garden Pathway.

Beautiful Stone Path - rustic looking

Pathway - I have pinned many a path ideas but this one REALLY speaks to my soul.

humm never thought of mirror mosaic in garden paths--- ooohh.  pretty mosaic path with mirrory sparkles.

Tropical garden with walkway...    If only I lived somewhere where the climate could support this foliage!!

Bird of paradise, foxtail fern, liriope and bromeliads along a path

Beautiful mosaic garden rug with rustic arch pathway into woodland area - perfectly juxtaposed to enhance both.

An inexpensive option for a beautiful path. Flagstones and river rock garden path

beautiful mosaic garden path

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i♥Garden | .. shade #Garden Path, ideas for my project (inspiring)Narrow Garden Space of Townhouse This very narrow space on the side of a townhouse is made more interesting by using an interesting paving pattern with tiles and pea gravel, plus a variety of plants in pots.


Granite scraps used to form a walkway - add grout and you're done.

A pathway lined in brick with stepping stones and pebble filler...brilliant.


concrete block and brick detail

Over 100 Landscaping Design Ideas  Thanks to

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Színes Ötletek

A Színes Ötletek blogon megtalálsz minden kreatív technikát, hozzájuk gyakorlati tudnivalókat, DIY és környezettudatos ötletek egész arzenálját. Kaphatsz tippeket lakberendezéshez, újrahasznosításhoz, találsz mintákat gyöngyfűzéshez, kötéshez, horgoláshoz, varráshoz, készíthetsz divatos kiegészítőket, dekorálhatod az otthonod, szépítheted a kerted, ünnepi és alkalmi dekorációkat készíthetsz, mindezt egy igazán jó hangulatú közösség tagjaként.



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