Színes Ötletek

a kézügyes blog

Csináljunk Minyonokat!

A mozikban tarolnak a Minyonok, a tágabb ismeretségi körömben minden srác odavan értük. A mai bejegyzést a vicces, sárga kisfickóknak szentelem!


Here is a step-by-step tutorial for my big Minion pincushion. I’m no pro at explaining so if something is unclear, feel free to ask me about it :) If the download link isn’t working for you, please...


Párna tűk nélkül

minion pillow plush by telahmarie on Etsy, $30.00


Manualidades muy divertidas con materiales de Néstor P. Carrara SRL. Contacto l  Néstor P. Carrara S.R.L l ¡En su 35° aniversario!

Minion Jar by OliviasArtStudio on Etsy, $15.00


Cardboard Minions | Community Post: 22 Cool Kids Crafts You Can Make From Toilet Paper Tubes

Dave the Minion Toilet paper minions evil minions craft


Nobody in their right mind can say that they don't find those little yellow minions from “Despicable Me” cute and adorable. Both children and adults simply

Funny minions themed Felt party Banner by BellisimaSofia on Etsy, $28.00

Despicable Me Minions Birthday Party Centerpieces Balloon Weights *** just DIY idea, not tutorial

Easy and Budget-Friendly DIY Minions Party Ideas

minion cups for blue and gold;  use printable minion eyes also on this pinterest board

Társasjáték festett kavicsokból

This DESPICABLE ME Minions DIY Tic Tac Toe board game is so much fun! The kids will love helping make this and even more fun playing it!

Festett póló

Paint Your Own Minion Shirt for Kids (Great holiday gift idea!)


DIY Minion Dolls. I know whose christmas present this will be!

DIY Sock Minion Tutorial on how to make a minion from a yellow sock. Silhouette challenge. Create it. Go! despicable me

Kerti dísz

45 DIY Tire Projects- How to Creatively Upcycle and Recycle Old Tires Into a New LifeMinion planters made from old tires.

Despicable Me Minion Planting PotGyurmázósTuto fimo : Moi moche et méchant 2 | Bijoux sucrés, Bijoux fantaisie, Bijoux gourmands, Pâte Fimo, Nail Art et Miniatures gourmandeshow to create fondant minions | fondant make very thin black snakes cut them to equal sizes 2 make ...


Minion Weeble Craft - this took 5minutes to make. We made them super simple so the kids could manage..... and then turned them into FUN WEEBLES!!!


Minion cup cakes. My sister loves these little guys! so doing this for her 4th birthday!!!!!

Dispicable Me Minions ... These guys are super cute and fairly easy to make. Just a little time consuming. DIY Despicable me cake tutorial. Tutorial completo tarta Minion

How to make Minion cookies


Despicable Me Minion Backpack / Verschrikkelijke Ikke Minion Rugzak


Gather your minions and make this fun, themed party lanterns. Shop yellow paper lanterns in varying sizes at


Minion slippers pattern

Free Minion Inspired Crochet Patterns

Crochet Minion Hat Patterns

Crochet Minion Pillow Gift Card Holder - isn't he cute! ♪ ♪ ... #inspiration_crochet #diy GB

Minion-inspired Christmas Sock/Stocking pattern ♪ ♪ ... #inspiration_crochet #diy GB

Crochet Minion Purse – DIY

Minion inspired blankets  Not sure I could knit/crochet this, but I'm thinking a quilt would be easier!!

everyone needs a minion or two. free pattern. Love love love!!! <3

Connie's Spot© Crocheting, Crafting, Creating!: Free Minion Inspired Doll+Pillow Patterns©

Minion Knit Hat Pattern | Recent Photos The Commons Getty Collection Galleries World Map App ...

Forrás: pinterest

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Színes Ötletek

A Színes Ötletek blogon megtalálsz minden kreatív technikát, hozzájuk gyakorlati tudnivalókat, DIY és környezettudatos ötletek egész arzenálját. Kaphatsz tippeket lakberendezéshez, újrahasznosításhoz, találsz mintákat gyöngyfűzéshez, kötéshez, horgoláshoz, varráshoz, készíthetsz divatos kiegészítőket, dekorálhatod az otthonod, szépítheted a kerted, ünnepi és alkalmi dekorációkat készíthetsz, mindezt egy igazán jó hangulatú közösség tagjaként.



colors & ideas



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