Színes Ötletek

a kézügyes blog

The Top of the Iceberg in the Ocean of Inspiration
The Top of the Iceberg in the Ocean of Inspiration
Once Again, We Attempted the Impossible at Messe Frankfurt’s Trade Fair Trio


It's been a few weeks since this year's Ambiente-Christmasworld-Creativeworld tradeshow. Although we published a gallery post  immediately afterward, the promised report has not been written until now for various reasons. However, on the one hand, "a promise is a promise...", and on the other, we saw so many beautiful, interesting, and inspiring things in Frankfurt during the time we spent there, that it would be a shame not to mention them, especially now that the experiences we had there ...

Did You Imagine? Multiply It by Thousands!
Did You Imagine? Multiply It by Thousands!
A Report On The Ambiente – Christmasworld – Creativeworld Trade Fair Trio

messe_frankfurt_rep_2024_cover_1000x522.jpgA friend of mine once explained that there's really no point in traveling, because all the places you'd like to photograph have already been photographed by someone else with a much better camera, and if you want to see anything, all you have to do is type the name of the place into the search engine. Even then, I smiled at this train of thought, since no photo can convey the authenticity and depth of personal discovery, whether it is the panorama on top of a mountain or the sea breeze freely ...





Színes Ötletek

A Színes Ötletek blogon megtalálsz minden kreatív technikát, hozzájuk gyakorlati tudnivalókat, DIY és környezettudatos ötletek egész arzenálját. Kaphatsz tippeket lakberendezéshez, újrahasznosításhoz, találsz mintákat gyöngyfűzéshez, kötéshez, horgoláshoz, varráshoz, készíthetsz divatos kiegészítőket, dekorálhatod az otthonod, szépítheted a kerted, ünnepi és alkalmi dekorációkat készíthetsz, mindezt egy igazán jó hangulatú közösség tagjaként.



colors & ideas



süti beállítások módosítása