Színes Ötletek

a kézügyes blog

“All You Need Is a Few Photos, Which Are Automatically Assembled Into an Interactive Replica of the Space”
“All You Need Is a Few Photos, Which Are Automatically Assembled Into an Interactive Replica of the Space”

Artificial Intelligence and Home Design - Introducing IKEA Kreativ


There is nothing more depressing than starting an article at the end of August with the news that "summer is coming to an end", as the heartache for many of us at this time of year is that each day is getting shorter and soon the season of cooler winds will arrive, with more clothes and less sunshine. Fortunately, there is another side to this coin, as with the onset of autumn comes the season of creation, or making small ...

Did You Imagine? Multiply It by Thousands!
Did You Imagine? Multiply It by Thousands!
A Report On The Ambiente – Christmasworld – Creativeworld Trade Fair Trio

messe_frankfurt_rep_2024_cover_1000x522.jpgA friend of mine once explained that there's really no point in traveling, because all the places you'd like to photograph have already been photographed by someone else with a much better camera, and if you want to see anything, all you have to do is type the name of the place into the search engine. Even then, I smiled at this train of thought, since no photo can convey the authenticity and depth of personal discovery, whether it is the panorama on top of a mountain or the sea breeze freely ...

Lisbon Street Art Kaleidoscope
Lisbon Street Art Kaleidoscope

In early January we were lucky enough to spend a few days in and around Lisbon. It wasn't difficult to enjoy the time we had, as the westernmost capital city of the European continent, immediately captured our hearts: the serenity and relaxed elegance of the Mediterranean coastal landscape was everywhere, even in the face of the highly changeable Portuguese winter, which went from spring sunshine to rain in a matter of minutes. Lisbon is an excellent destination for anyone, even with little ...

"Meeting In Person Won't Be Outdated For A Long Time" - An interview with Julia Uherek, Vice President of Messe Frankfurt
"Meeting In Person Won't Be Outdated For A Long Time" - An interview with Julia Uherek, Vice President of Messe Frankfurt

For those involved in creative hobbies and crafts, it is inevitable sooner or later to get to know the names of the trade fairs and exhibitions organised by Messe Frankfurt : Ambiente , Christmasworld and Creativeworld . These events are just as important a global showcase for the consumer goods segment as, for example, the NAMM Show in Anaheim for the industry of musical instruments or Prolight + Sound in Frankfurt for the professional stage, visual and sound technology market: the most ...

New Tiles Till The Afternoon? - Paint And What's Underneath
New Tiles Till The Afternoon? - Paint And What's Underneath
We tried the Dulux Simply Refresh Tile Paint


I've been thinking about painting tiles for a long time, but I haven't dared to do it yet, even though I've read many positive reviews about it. Time and again the idea has come to the fore, I've browsed through the reviews, but somehow the indecision has always won, until now. The occasion was the replacement of the floor tiles in the surrounding rooms, including the corridor leading to the bathroom. There were no plans to renovate the bathroom block, but I insisted that the tiling should ...

A Bee Hotel Made Of Waste Wood
A Bee Hotel Made Of Waste Wood


A bit of DIY is definitely a good thing to do in the first days of spring, so here's a very simple, no-skills but useful tool to put outdoors now, at the beginning of March, to help pollinators of all kinds to reproduce. Inexpensively, using left-over materials that seem useless, you can do something for the environment while relaxing. (Photo source:


From Leaf-Boats to Decades-Old Tires - Report on the I. Zero Waste Tour of Colors & Ideas
From Leaf-Boats to Decades-Old Tires - Report on the I. Zero Waste Tour of Colors & Ideas


It all started when we went out leaf-boating with the kid a few weeks ago. It's actually a subtle lulling technique, as the world is usually too interesting for our little girl to start her afternoon quiet time without any opposition. We walk up along the Szinva in a pushchair, go down to the shore every few hundred metres, find some dry leaves, stick sticks of the right size through them, and even start the miniature Blue Ribbon several times a day. The trick is that after two or three of ...

Winter Elf From Leftover Yarn - Ten Minute Tricks
Winter Elf From Leftover Yarn - Ten Minute Tricks


This simple elf is something older children can make themselves, and ideas like this are great for parents who have a million things to do in the run-up to Christmas. It also makes a great little gift, and making a series of them can be a relaxing, meditative activity for adults on a long winter's evening. All you need is a little leftover yarn of any colour, a roll of paper and a ball of wood or beads. Find out how to make it in the sequel!


A New Look Of An Old, Outdated Desk - Painting Laminate Furniture Simply
A New Look Of An Old, Outdated Desk - Painting Laminate Furniture Simply
We tried the Dulux Simply Refresh Kitchen Furniture Stains


Today we're telling you about the renewal of a much-seen desk. It started its adventurous journey in the early nineties, in a child's bedroom, and has been around a few sublets thanks to its small size and easy portability. Before coming to us, it even served as a loaner in a friend's tiny home. It's made of furniture board, yet it's a durable and sturdy piece, made with the old technology of glue, but you have to admit that at the time, practicality rather than aesthetics ruled the day in ...





colors & ideas





Színes Ötletek

A Színes Ötletek blogon megtalálsz minden kreatív technikát, hozzájuk gyakorlati tudnivalókat, DIY és környezettudatos ötletek egész arzenálját. Kaphatsz tippeket lakberendezéshez, újrahasznosításhoz, találsz mintákat gyöngyfűzéshez, kötéshez, horgoláshoz, varráshoz, készíthetsz divatos kiegészítőket, dekorálhatod az otthonod, szépítheted a kerted, ünnepi és alkalmi dekorációkat készíthetsz, mindezt egy igazán jó hangulatú közösség tagjaként.



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