Színes Ötletek

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“All You Need Is a Few Photos, Which Are Automatically Assembled Into an Interactive Replica of the Space”

Artificial Intelligence and Home Design - Introducing IKEA Kreativ


There is nothing more depressing than starting an article at the end of August with the news that "summer is coming to an end", as the heartache for many of us at this time of year is that each day is getting shorter and soon the season of cooler winds will arrive, with more clothes and less sunshine. Fortunately, there is another side to this coin, as with the onset of autumn comes the season of creation, or making small and big renovations and improvements to our homes, which also has its own beauty.

For the following interview, this introduction is related to the fact that a few weeks ago we received news about IKEA Kreativ platform, which uses artificial intelligence to help anyone to furnish their home in augmented reality. In simple terms, it shows how furniture will look in the home environment through realistic interactive designs. As the background to such developments is often as interesting as the result, we thought it was worth finding out more, so we asked about this topic the most credible source possible, IKEA's international press department. If you want to know more about the tool, how and what you can use it for, and what practical challenges the team who created it had to overcome, read on! 

What was the motivation for creating the IKEA Kreativ?

One of the primary motivations behind IKEA's development of the Kreativ platform is to offer shoppers a sophisticated and inspiring design experience through cutting-edge technology. With this innovation, IKEA seeks to enhance the online experience for its customers beyond the physical stores, ultimately aiding them in creating an improved home environment.

Has there been a notable increase in customer demand, or is there a specific practical consideration driving this change?

IKEA has consistently led the way in understanding and enhancing life at home. By merging decades of expertise with the latest technological advancements, IKEA continually adapts to the evolving needs of its customers.

In recent years, there has been a marked shift towards digital shopping, with consumers increasingly seeking to replicate the unique in-store experience online. In response to this trend, IKEA has introduced the Kreativ app.

This development not only enriches the shopping experience but also significantly supports the realization of interior design plans, proving particularly valuable for home shoppers. According to IKEA's recent Living at Home survey, which explored Hungarians' attitudes towards their homes, over half of the respondents expressed plans to change their living spaces within the next two years. Specifically, 31% of Hungarians plan to move, while an additional 34% intend to renovate their current homes. IKEA Kreativ can greatly assist them in these endeavors.

Approximately how long did the development take, what were the technological and other challenges the development team faced when designing the application?

The development of IKEA Kreativ began over eight years ago. Its core technology was created by Silicon Valley AI specialists Geomagical Labs, which was acquired by IKEA Retail (Ingka Group) in April 2020. Since its official launch in the US in 2022, the product has seen continuous development and feature enhancements, and it is now available in over 28 markets.

Approximately how large was the team working on the IKEA Kreativ feature in the platform and, for example, the interactive showrooms that came with it?

The team working on the IKEA Kreativ feature and the associated interactive showrooms was substantial, involving a diverse group of professionals. This included AI specialists, software developers, designers, and product managers, among others. The collaboration spanned multiple disciplines to ensure the successful development and implementation of these innovative features.

How long did it take for IKEA Kreativ to reach Hungary? 

It took approximately 2 years from the initial US launch for the app to get released in Hungary. During those years, the IKEA team worked continuously to add enhancements and make changes, that are now available in the Hungary as well as other markets. IKEA Kreativ was released in Hungary in May 2024.

What can AI add to the design of our homes?

AI can help home design in many ways. It can assist in reconstructing an accurate digital twin of the user’s space. Having this feature is a foundational element that enables virtual options to be explored.

AI can also allow the digital twin to be edited or modified in useful ways (e.g. to remove existing furniture, imagine the space with different finishes).

Lastly, AI can play a large role in helping many customers easily explore layout and product options to meet their personal needs. It can also help employees better support IKEA customers.

IKEA is dedicated to ethical AI development, ensuring a human-centric approach throughout the process. You can learn more about their commitment here.


What can computer vision do more or differently than the human eye - to put it simply, what are the practical functions of the application that make our lives easier when we use it to design a room, house or apartment?           

The human visual system is remarkable, effortlessly interpreting complex environments. However, envisioning new, yet-to-be-designed spaces can be challenging. While interior designers and spatial experts have a developed ability to imagine the unrealized, this skill is difficult for most people. Even for professionals, conveying these ideas to others, whether customers or loved ones, is a significant challenge. Innovative experiences leveraging computer vision, AI, and 3D technology can greatly simplify home design, enabling all our customers to create better living spaces.

How happy are interior designers that the public now has access to an app that in some ways does their job? Or can the two things coexist in the market in the same way as the solutions offered by IKEA and the professionals who make custom furniture?  

As world IKEA needs to keep up with new trends and technologies.  That’s why I believe that many interior designers recognize that these apps can serve as valuable tools that complement their work rather than replace it.

In the same way that IKEA's affordable and versatile solutions coexist with the custom furniture market, interior design apps can coexist with professional services. These apps can help customers get a better understanding of their preferences and ideas, making it easier for designers to collaborate with them eventually. Additionally, the apps can handle simpler design tasks, allowing professionals to focus on more complex and personalized details of their home projects.

Ultimately, the key lies in the ability of interior designers to adapt and leverage these tools to enhance their services, offering a blend of technology and expertise that an app alone cannot provide.

How to use the IKEA Kreatív “the right way”?

The platform provides users with the ability to experiment with IKEA products in realistic digital rooms, allowing them to swap, move, and rotate items. With the IKEA Creative Scene Scanner™ feature integrated into the app, shoppers can effortlessly create personalized, realistic 3D replicas of their own spaces. This process only requires a few photos of the room, which are then automatically stitched together into a widescreen, interactive model with accurate dimensions and perspective.

Additionally, users can "remove" existing furniture from the space and replace it with new items by browsing the app’s extensive catalog. This feature allows for a highly customizable and immersive design experience, tailored to individual preferences.

How someone reluctant can be encouraged to use the app?

If someone is hesitant to download and use the app, thinking "I don't understand these things anyway," I would emphasize the app's ease of use and user-friendly interface. The planner service provides a lifelike, fully integrated experience for designing living spaces on both computers and smartphones. Although the app leverages advanced stereoscopic computer technology, artificial intelligence, and 3D mixed reality, it is designed to be accessible to all users, regardless of their technical expertise. This intuitive design simplifies the interior design process, allowing customers to unleash their creativity effortlessly.

What other innovations can the public expect to see in the near future, both in virtual space and in stores?

There are many innovations planned for the future. In the short term you can expect to see more product guidance and AI design aids added to IKEA Kreativ. IKEA is also looking to create more meaningful connections between customers and co-workers. IKEA co-workers have tremendous knowledge around life at home, and the company is exploring new journeys and ways to help bring customers closer to them and their know-how.

More information on the IKEA website and social media!

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Színes Ötletek

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